After various unexpected moments that happened in the year 2021, ranging from the Covid-19 pandemic, fires in various countries, to the economic recession due to the enforcement of lockdowns to shutdowns in many countries affected by the corona virus to the most dyeing story throughout 2021.
Welcoming this new year, it is expected that not only many things The positive u happen in this year but also various predictions regarding what will trend in the new year are annual traditions that cannot escape every year.
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Booming Use of Internet Technology
From discussion of make up trends, fashion to food will be I’m coloring the year 2022 until the next few weeks and certainly not behind the trend of internet technology.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic approached many countries, the internet has also being the mainstay of all activities ranging from education to business during the pandemic season. So it’s not strange that the discussion of internet technology trends for 2022 is also worth talking about with your colleagues.
Here comes the predicted trend of internet technology increasingly excited at 2022:
Cyber Security Increasingly Relevant
during the course of the pandemic, cyber security became increasingly relevant and is needed. There have been many reports stating there has been an increase in cyber attacks worldwide during the pandemic in large numbers.
Invisibility of fur, various data attacked by cyber operators crime this is not only personal data only but also a number of websites and large e-commerce. Especially during a pandemic like this where there is a government policy that appeals to several sectors of companies that do systems work from home.
With the system working from home this is very important to the company to strengthen networks and improve cybersecurity strategies, and extend them to home networks and mobile devices to work from home.
E-commerce Shopping Can Pass Social Media
The growing need for online shopping makes some meshe’s social, e.g. Instagram and WhatsApp that pin shopping options on her features.
It could be that in 2022 we could be witnesses to live video shopping. Where an e-commerce activity can be done via social media. By leveraging business-specific account features on each social media online shopping activity in the future will become more sophisticated and seamless.
Health and Disease Consultation in Hand Enough
Following the government’s appeal regarding the reduction of exit activities and putting the use of the internet first as a primary medium for meeting needs and needs also applies to health and disease consultations.
Considering that hospitals are the most prone to contracting infectionst and virus. Health consultation to treatment with the general practitioner until specialists take precedence through online health applications such as alodoteric, Halodoc, Hi Dok, Yes Dok, PakDok and more.
TikTok Still the Most Sensational Social Media Application
Application popularity from China’s bamboo country, TikTok in 2022 predicted to remain a favorite. Having become the next most popular online platform for creators and content lovers following Youtube and Instagram, TikTok has given many unforgettable moments during 2021 that it looks like it will last into this year.
Once threatened with being blocked in many countries like America, TikTok also become a major tool in expressing themselves every generation well ranging from the old to the young good in political issues to culture.
His top in creating new trends in the world of social media, the internet and technology. TikTok looks like it will still provide many interesting stories during this 2022 season.
The Internet Is Still a Mainstay of the Film Industry
Number of lockdown enforcement in many countries and PSBB (restrictions)ยท large-scale social) in Indonesia caused many losses in each business sector including the film industry.
Enforcement of the closure of a number of public recreation facilities, movie theaters in Many places make filmmakers have to play a lot of brains to keep producing movies with the same profit results as their screenings in theaters, and of course paid streaming media becomes the most profitable option.
Working From Home Will Still Be Much Done
The system works from homes that are getting more excited because of this pandemic its trade will still be applied by many business entities, especially business entities that move in the digital sector. Even large companies like Twitter and Google alone are already implementing working from home permanently for every employee they want.
Not to miss, even Gojek still extends the working period from their homes which is expected to last until the middle of 2022 later.
Global-Ready 5G Networking
In recent years we have heard about the benefits of 5G, among them is the availability of connectivity and internet bandwith recalcitrant. We’ve become so hungry hangs with cell phones and other smart devices. It is this change in behavior that is becoming the new business field of telecommunications providers.
Not only individuals today alone, businesses must also continue to connect, and the application of 5G becomes an important solution in this respect. Based on conditions this, then the 5G value will increasingly mainstream in 2022.
Many of the above technology trends whose impact could be beneficial and good for us if we utilize them positively. To that end, we as users must also good at filtering out which is good or bad.